2013 Annual Culpeper Center Art Contest!

editnewestartcontestflyerThe Annual Culpeper Center Art Contest has officially begun! Create a piece of original artwork around one of these themes: Culture, Language, Technology. The deadline is Monday, May 13th at 5pm. The first prize winner will win $75, second will win $25. Stop in Culpeper Language Learning Center (Vickner 108) to grab the two forms you need to fill out to be a candidate. The first is an entry and release form, which includes the rules and criteria of the contest, an agreement statement you must sign, and a helpful checklist! The second is an originality and artistic merit form – this will need to be completed by an Art professor who has looked at your finished piece. Flyers will soon be hanging around Campus, advertising this exciting contest – check these out! If you have any questions, please email myself, Brittany Rogness at brognes3@gustavus.edu.



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