Author: jnordlun

  • Employee Spotlight: Elizabeth Hable

    Elizabeth Hable is a Junior and one of our newest team members here at the Culpeper Language Learning Center.  She is a Junior Psychology major with a special interest in eating disorders, anxiety and depression.  Some things she is involved in on campus include the Tri-Sigma Sorority, being a Be U wellbeing coach, and also…

  • Employee Spotlight- Viet Dao

    The Culpeper Language Learning Center is starting an Employee Spotlight, a new series which will feature the inside scoop on our amazing workers. This week, the spotlight is on Viet Dao, one of our new Technology and Language Specialists. Viet is a multilingual  sophomore who in addition to English also speaks Vietnamese which is his…

  • Culpeper Foreign Language Game Days

    We will be having foreign language game days on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30pm. We will have a mix of both online games and classic board games to try out. These are for you to get a few of your friends together and practice the language you are learning. So come join us in Vickner…