A table here, a chair there Posted on November 22nd, 2010 by

A little bit of furniture rearranging can go a long way to changing the atmosphere of a space. Previously the Center has seemed purely like a sterile computer lab and not like the warm Center I am envisioning. In one corner we have a space which was previously meant to be a “tutor/library/reading space” but it has been a very rare occasion to see anybody sitting at the table in the corner. I decided to do a little bit of furniture rearranging by moving the big tables around a little bit and we brought over the round table and most of the chairs into the larger space of Culpeper. This new setup will hopefully be a visual invitation to see Culpeper as more than simply a computer lab.



  1. yurie hong says:

    Nice. Now you just need a coffee cart!

  2. Kaye Lynn says:

    I want to come and enjoy this space! It looks very inviting!