Category: Uncategorized

  • Final Workshops of the Semester

    We are more than half-way through the semester and we have just a few more workshops left in the Culpeper Workshop Series for this semester. Please see the schedule below and RSVP on our website if you would like to participate. We have had more participation this semester than in last, but we still have…

  • Culpeper Moves Forward

    This semester has certainly been a busy one thus far with exciting things happening here in Culpeper. The picture below shows the new Culpeper student managers who are heading up the four new teams in Culpeper. One of the important reasons behind this new internal structure is to give student workers the opportunity to have…

  • Culpeper Clips Winner Videos!

    Culpeper Clips Winner Videos!

    As promised in the post last week, here are our two winning videos for the first ever Culpeper Clips Video Contest. (Posted with subtitles for your convenience)  Brandan Nadeau wins Grand Prize with his film “Amazama Na Gengo Wo Omoshirosa,” and Cristian Raether and Kristen Montijo win second prize with their film entitled: “Deutch ist mein…

  • Culpeper Clips Winners!

    Announcing the winners of the first ever Culpeper Clips Film Contest!  The winners and their videos are briefly introduced below. Brandan Nadeau wins Grand Prize of $100 for his video entitled: “AMAZAMA NA GENGO WO OMOSHIROSA” (The Various Interesting Things About Language). Brandan managed to include a number of languages and individuals from around campus and…

  • Spring Workshops Round 2

    Below you will find the Culpeper Workshop Series (Part 2) schedule for the second half of the Spring Semester 2011. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

  • Skype helps ill student suceed

    Sometimes life brings unexpected challenges. This was the case for Senior Emily Eddy, one of my Spanish students this semester. Emily had just finished a J-Term trip to Spain and Morocco when she was hit by the Guillain-Barré Syndrome, an autoimmune syndrome which left her basically paralyzed after just a few days. The symptoms were…

  • Good Start for the Workshops

    We are into the second week of workshops at Culpeper and things look good so far. Yesterday afternoon Crew member Toby Tong gave a great workshop on LiveMocha, a website which helps language learners in their acquisition process by providing mini-courses in many languages, but more importantly connects the language learners with competent speakers of…

  • Culpeper Clips Film Contest!

    Over the past few days my student workers have started going around to the various language classrooms and announcing our Workshop Schedule plus … the CULPEPER CLIPS FILM CONTEST!! That’s right we are running the first ever (to my knowledge anyhow) foreign language film contest sponsored by Culpeper. Students have the opportunity to win up…

  • New Look at Culpeper Site

    While there may still be a few things to tweak here, the Culpeper site has received an overhaul. This really wouldn’t have been possible without the wonderful help of Jeremy Carlson and Ryan Rud over at GTS. While I unfortunately don’t have a screen shot of the original site setup, there are a number of…

  • Culpeper Workshop Series 2011

    Below you will find the Culpeper Workshop Series schedule for the first half of the Spring Semester 2011. I’m trying to really get my student workers involved and I’m excited to see how this series of workshops (led principally by the students) goes. I anticipate low numbers of participants at first, however with time I…